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5 Ways To Determine The Best TikTok Video Topics For Your Business

TikTok has become one of the leading social media platforms in recent years. Like all social networks, it started out as a place to connect with friends and family. However, these days it is widely used by businesses to help expand their reach and attract new leads.

If your business is looking to join in with the Tik Tok trend, you may be wondering what type of topics you should be focusing on. What should you post and how can you find the best content ideas?

In this brief guide, you’ll discover 5 ways to determine the best Tik Tok video topics for your business.

Look At What Your Competitors Are Doing

One of the easiest ways to come up with appropriate topics for your business is to see what your competitors are doing. Look up your different competitors on the platform and ask yourself:

  • What type of content are they producing?
  • Which topics receive the most engagement?
  • Are there any topics that didn’t get much of a response?

By seeing what your competitors are doing, it gives you a good idea of what to focus on and what to avoid in your own content.

If you want to make sure you create content for Tik Tok that your audience will love, check out the latest trending topics. These are the topics that users are most interested in right now. If you post a video related to a trending topic, you are naturally going to receive more traffic to your content.

So, how can you find trending topics? There are a couple of ways you can do it. Firstly, head on over to the Discover tab. This will show you videos related to current trending topics. Or you could follow the hashtag #trendalert which does some of the hard work for you. Many Tik Tok users utilize this hashtag to promote the latest trends.

Once you have a list of current trends, see which one best relates to your business. It is important to make sure that the video you create is relevant to the trend. If it isn’t, you aren’t going to receive the results you were hoping for.

Provide Value To Your Audience

The best Tik Tok topics for businesses are those that provide value to the audience. What kind of content could you produce that provides value?

A lot of businesses see great results from posting how-to videos. These show the audience how to do something that they may struggle with. Again, make sure it is something related to your business. You need to show your audience that you can solve their problems, increasing the likelihood they will want to do business with you.

Get Personal With Your Content

When it comes to choosing brands to follow and interact with, consumers today typically want a more personalized experience. That is, they want to learn more about you and the business.

There are lots of types of personal content you can produce as a local business such as:

  • Behind the scenes
  • Boxing up orders
  • Meet the team
  • Pet-related content

Let your audience get to know you and don’t be afraid to add personality into your Tik Tok videos. Behind-the-scenes content gives customers a look inside your business. Similarly, introducing the team in personalized videos can also help to build up trust and engagement.

Look For Local Community Projects

A great way to generate a larger audience on Tik Tok, or any social media platform, is to focus on community projects. Consumers like to do business with brands that actively help out in their local communities.

What community projects are currently running and is there a gap in the market you could utilize? Think about the causes you are most passionate about, then look at how you can help. Create a video to educate about the project and highlight the ways your business is helping.

These are just 5 ways to determine the best Tik Tok video topics for your local business. Creating content your audience wants to see can be challenging. However, if you follow some of the methods above, you should see an increase in traffic and conversions.

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